Are you completing an application for funding under the Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC Programme or are you a partner in an application?
The registration is open for the project preparation workshops in Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova.
The Fifth Newsletter of the Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2007-2013” has been published.
Questions that may be relevant to all Applicants/Partners, together with the answers, are published in the “Frequently Asked Questions” section. It is therefore highly recommended to regularly consult it. If the answer you are looking for is not there, please send your questions in English to the following e-mail:
The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism – acting as Joint Managing Authority for the Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2007-2013” – published the notice for the launch of the second call for proposals. The deadline for submitting the project proposals is 30th of September 2011.
Three info days will be held in Trabzon, Sinop and Karabük, in order to acquaint the potential beneficiaries with the Programme and project preparation under the Second Call for Proposals. Participation of all relevant parties is expected. Information on the venue and date of these meetings is given below:
The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Romania, acting as Joint Managing Authority has the pleasure of inviting you to a Project Preparation Workshop, taking place in Constanţa on the 21st of June 2011.
The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Romania, acting as Joint Managing Authority, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Bulgaria, acting as National Authority have the pleasure of inviting you to a Project Preparation Workshop, taking place in Bourgas on 07th June 2011.
“Black Sea Basin 2007-2013” Programme Project Preparation Workshop
Braila– 24th of May 2011
The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Romania, acting as Joint Managing Authority has the pleasure of inviting you to a Project Preparation Workshop, taking place in Brăila on 24th May 2011.
“Black Sea Basin 2007-2013” Programme Project Preparation Workshop
Komotini – 17th of May 2011
The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Romania, acting as Joint Managing Authority and the Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping, Greece, acting as National Authority have the pleasure of inviting you to a Project Preparation Workshop, taking place in Komotini on 17th May 2011.