In recent years, lost or abandoned fishing nets have become an increasing problem for marine ecosystems. Trawlers or fishing boats often lose nets, which then settle on the seabed, accumulating debris and forming "underwater dumps." Additionally, marine organisms such as fish, birds, dolphins, and others can become entangled in these nets and die. These lost nets are often called "ghost nets." The loss of nets is also a serious issue for fishermen, so several countries have begun studying the problem and seeking solutions.
INTERSMARTS (BSB00332) Network: Advancing Sustainable Tourism for Blue Growth in the Black Sea Basin
Are you active in sustainable development, blue growth, tourism, or services? Is your organization registered within the Black Sea Basin Programme area? The INTERSMARTS Network offers the platform for collaboration and innovation.
The photo contest “Wonders of the Black Sea: a Biodiversity Perspective” is held within the framework of the project “Open environmental eFolio for joint maritime spatial planning and conservation of the valuable Black Sea Basin marine ecosystems”.
Call for paper of the “International Scientific Conference Black Sea - Scientific Approaches for Ecosystem Remediation and Innovation in the Blue Economy” organized within the project Harnessing Algae Power for Pollution Reduction and Blue Growth – AlgaeRevive (BSB00091).