The DEADLINE for the second step is coming up, 31 January 2019 (14:00 hrs. Romania time)!
We highly recommend you not to wait until the very last day to submit your application.
The DEADLINE for the second step is coming up, 31 January 2019 (14:00 hrs. Romania time)!
We highly recommend you not to wait until the very last day to submit your application.
Deadline for submission of Applications: 31 January 2019 (14:00 hrs. Romania time)!
According to the timetable for submission of applications from the Guidelines for Grant Applicants – 2nd Call for Proposals, 17 January 2019 is the deadline for request clarifications from the Joint Technical Secretariat and 24 January 2019 is the last date on which clarifications are issued by the Joint Technical Secretariat.
After the publication of Applicants Pack for the 2nd Call for Proposals an error was noticed in Annex 10, Eligibility Part – criterion 12, regarding the project duration.
The Romanian South East Regional Development Agency (Joint Technical Secretariat of the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020) is seeking to recruit Project Assessors for the qualitative assessment (technical and financial) and State Aid Compliance Assessment of the eligible applications submitted within Programme 2nd Call for proposals.
After the publication of Applicants Pack for the 2nd Call for Proposals some errors were noticed in Annexes 1, 2 and 3.
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration acting as Managing Authority for Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 issued the Instruction 15/20 November 2018 for the Beneficiaries from Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Turkey.
If you are looking for a project partner for your application, please consider the following tools:
The third Newsletter of Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 is ready to be read.
We revised the Project Implementation Manual for the beneficiaries from the 1st Call for Proposals.