We strongly recommend you not to wait the very last moment – Wednesday, 31st of May, 24.00 h (GMT+2)!
For all applicants under the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020!
As a result of the clarification requests sent by the potential applicants, a number of aspects requiring additional clarification have been identified in the content of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants and its annexes.
The 2nd public consultation on the draft Guidelines for Applicants, Grant Contract and their annexes, is closed.
The second version of the draft Guidelines for Applicants and its annexes, which was reviewed taking into account the comments received, was published for last public consultation. The Managing Authority thanks for their contributions to all those who participated into the first public consultation.
In view of the forthcoming launch of the 1st call for Proposals, the Managing Authority of the ENI CBC “Black Sea Basin” Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020, in collaboration with the Joint Technical Secretariat and national authorities of participating countries, and with the support of TESIM project, organize the 2nd Partners Forum in Istanbul, Turkey, on 24 November 2016.
On behalf of the Managing Authority, it is our pleasure to invite you to the Information seminars which will be organized in Burgas-Bulgaria on 8 November 2016, in Constanta-Romania on 10 November 2016 and in Thessaloniki-Greece on 8 December 2016.
The 11th meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2007 – 2013” was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on the 13th of October 2016.
Please note that the public consultation of the draft Guidelines for Grant Applicants under the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 is closed!
Thank you for your contributions and useful inputs!