The first requests for clarifications were sent today in the eMS for the applications submitted within the second Call for proposals. Therefore, we invite the applicants to regularly check the mailbox in the eMS to observe the deadline.
Clarifications will be sent to the contact person using the contact details provided in the eMS Application – Registration for the Lead Partner. Answers to the clarifications must be sent by eMS e-mail, with the relevant documents, if required, scanned and attached to the email, by the deadline specified in the email.
To ensure equal treatment for all applications, the extension of the deadline for submission of clarification answers is not allowed. In case the applicant fails to provide the requested clarifications and/or missing documents before the set deadline, the application will be assessed based on existing information and documents.
The date attesting the receipt of the request for clarifications is the date of the email sent by the Chairperson of the Selection Committee. The date attesting the receipt of the answer to the clarifications is the date of the email sent by the Lead Partner.
The Lead Partner bears full responsibility for ensuring the technical receipt of requests for clarifications.