ESPON Programme is organizing a Peer Learning Workshop “The role of MSP-LSI in sustainable energy production in the Black Sea” on the 28th of September 2021 (14.00-17.15 EET).
The Managing Authority and the representatives of the participating countries, with support of TESIM experts, jointly developed the 1st version of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme 2021-2027.
The revisions to the Manual (PIM) concern the annex related to procurement, namely Annex 2 – Procurement rules for each Partner Country is replaced with and re-named Annex 2 – Procurement rules. The annex is updated mainly taking into account the 2020 PRAG version and the modifications in the Ukrainian procurement law.
The European Commission informed on 26th of July 2021 that all operations related to the closure of the ENPI CBC Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2007-2013 – including acceptance of the final implementation report – have been carried out and that the Programme is officially closed.
The fifth meeting of the Joint Programming Committee – body responsible for the preparation of the Interreg NEXT (Neighbourhood External) Black Sea Basin Programme 2021-2027 – was held online on the 27th of July 2021.
Acknowledging the current situation generated by new coronavirus, respectively the pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) declared by the World Health Organization.
Year 2021 is marked by the beginning of a new EU funding cycle. While the projects are progressing at full speed, a new programming document is now genuinely beginning to take shape.
The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine has started the procedure of organizing additional competitive selection of independent auditors, who may be selected by lead beneficiary and/or beneficiary for conducting the project expenditure verification under Joint Operational Programmes (in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Procedure of creation an open list of independent auditors within Joint Operational Programmes of cross-border cooperation of the European Neighborhood Instrument 2014-2020, approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated 19.12.2018 №1045).
Taking into consideration the need for a common understanding of the grant contract by both beneficiaries and Managing Authority, a Note for Beneficiaries has been issued by the Managing Authority.
Three EU funds regulations (Common Provisions Regulation, European Regional Development Fund Regulation and Interreg Regulation) setting the main rules that govern the cooperation at external borders of the Union for the 2021-2027 period have been published today in the EU’s Official Journal and enter into force on 1st of July 2021.