The Joint Programming Committee for ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 decided to launch public consultations on the first version on the results of the socio-economic analyses of the eligible area (SWOT) and on the proposed thematic objectives and priorities of the future program. These documents have been prepared with the support of experts from the SPP project (Support to the preparation of programmes).
Ministry for EU Affairs in Turkey, as National Authority in the ENPI Black Sea Basin CBC Programme is organizing Project Implementation Training on 18-19 February 2014 for the projects implemented under the first and second calls for proposals.
The National Authorities from Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in co-operation with the ENI CBC – Support to the preparation of programmes Project (SPP) are organising national consultations on the first version on the results of the socio-economic analyses of the eligible area (SWOT) and on the proposed thematic objectives and priorities of the future program.