The Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, acting as Joint Managing Authority for the Black Sea Basin JOP is launching the public procurement procedure for identifying and selecting several qualified and experienced experts in order to ensure the functioning of the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme.
The Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) assists the JMA and the JMC in carrying out their respective duties. The JTS is established in Bucharest within the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. The JTS is organized in 3 units: the management and project monitoring unit, the financial mangement unit and the communication and information unit. The JTS will have one head of JTS, 5 project managers, 2 financial managers and one communication and information manager.
The general objective of the contracts signed with the experts from the JTS is to support the authorities involved in the management and implementation of the Black Sea Basin JOP.
The purpose of the contracts is to:
a) Ensure the necessary resources for the establishment of the JTS;
b) Ensure the functioning of the JTS to assist the JMA in the daily management of the operations of the programme;
c) Provide support to the functioning of the programme’s other steering bodies (Joint Monitoring Committee, Selection Committee etc);
d) Ensure awareness about the programme’s funding possibilities and the launch of calls for proposals;
e) Facilitate the generation of projects and the creation of partnerships among eligible partners in the programme area;
f) Provide support to the organization of project selection procedures;
g) Provide support to projects’ implementation;
h) Ensure the monitoring of projects’ implementation;
Location:the Joint Technical Secreatriat is established within the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, in Bucharest, Romania. The activities of the JTS will be carried out in Bucharest, at the headquarters, as well as in the elligible area of the Programme. The travel expenses (transport, accomodation and per diem) outside Bucharest will be supported by the Contracting Authority, not being under the rules of the terms of reference.
Date of starting the activities:
It is expected that the experts shall start their activity immediately after the signature of the contract.
Duration of the contracts:
The contracts shall be valid for maximum 2 years.
The award documentation can be found here and/or at the following link using the reference number 113545.
The deadline for submitting your applications is 31st of January 2011, at 13:30 hours, local time.