The following authorities, structures and bodies are part of the (Interreg VI-B) NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme management and control system:

Monitoring Committee

Monitoring Committee is the joint decision-making structure for the Programme, following its implementation and progress in achieving the milestones and targets and examining any issues affecting the Programme performance.

Managing Authority

Managing Authority is the body responsible for the management and implementation of the Programme with a view to delivering its objectives.  

Joint Secretariat

The Joint Secretariat is responsible for fulfilling the tasks delegated by the Managing Authority for the implementation of the Programme: information of potential beneficiaries, support project preparation, evaluation and selection, as well as project implementation. 

National Authorities

National Authorities are appointed by each participating country to support the Managing Authority in the implementation of the Programme in its own territory.  

Audit Authority

 The Audit Authority is responsible for carrying out system audits and audits on operations and on the annual accounts of the programme.

Group of Auditors

Group of Auditors (GoA) assists the Audit Authority in carrying out its tasks.

GoA is comprising a representative from each country participating in the Programme and are independent from the other national bodies participating in the Programme.

National controllers

National Controllers are appointed by each participating country to carry out the management verifications in its own territory.