The following authorities, structures and bodies are part of the (Interreg VI-B) NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme management and control system:

Monitoring Committee

Monitoring Committee is the joint decision-making structure for the Programme, following its implementation and progress in achieving the milestones and targets and examining any issues affecting the Programme performance.


Rules of Procedure




Date of aproval  Type of procedure Description
1 7-Mar-23 MC meeting  To approve the Rules of Procedure for Monitoring Committee for Interreg NEXT Black Sea;
To approve the Content of the Application Packs for small and regular projects, their budgets and duration;
The opening/closing dates of the calls for small scale and regular projects will be 30th of March – 4th of July, 2023.
2 21-Apr-23 written procedure To approve the Technical Assistance Strategy for Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme.
3 4-May-23 written procedure To approve the Guidelines for Assessment and Selection and annexes - call 1 (regular and small scale projects).
4 7-Jun-23 written procedure To approve Corrigendum no.1 to the Guidelines - 1st call (eligible area Republic of Moldova).
5 7-Jun-23 written procedure To approve the modification of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme as to include the participation of Armenia to the Programme;
To transmit the amended Programme to the European Commission for approval via SFC2021.
6 16-Jun-23 written procedure To approve the Communication Strategy for the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme 


written procedure

To approve the composition of the Assessment Working Group for the 1st call for proposals for both regular and small scale projects, as listed in Annex 1 to this Decision. 

8 16-Aug-23 written procedure To approve the Terms of Reference for the selection of external assessors who will undertake the quality assessment and state aid experts
9 17-Aug-23 written procedure To revise the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme in order to reflect the additional allocation
10 22-Aug-23 written procedure To approve the Visual Identity Manual for the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme
11 01-Sep-23 written procedure To approve the revised composition of the Assessment Working Group for the 1st call for proposals for both Regular and Small Scale projects
12 8-Sep-23 written procedure To approve the revised version of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme
13 15-Sep-23 written procedure

To approve the Rules of Procedure for handling the complaints related to the evaluation and selection of applications submitted in the 1st Calls for proposals and the composition of the Complaint Committee 

14 2-Oct-23 written procedure To approve the Assessment Reports for Step 1 - Administrative compliance and eligibility check related to the evaluation and selection of applications submitted in the framework of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme – 1st Calls for proposals for Regular and small scale projects
15 13-Oct-23 written procedure To approve the revised version of the Guidelines for Assessment and Selection of project proposals for the 1st call for proposals for both regular and small scale projects
16 16-Nov-23 written procedure To approve the Report of the Complaint Committee related to the complaints received from applicants after the first step of the evaluation and selection process of the applications submitted within the 1st Calls for proposals of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme
17 24-Nov-23 written procedure To approve the revised composition of the Assessment Working Group for the 1st call for proposals for both Regular and Small Scale projects
18 12-Dec-23 written procedure To approve the revised composition of the Assessment Working Group for the 1st call for proposals for both Regular and Small Scale projects
19 19-Dec-23 written procedure To approve the Evaluation Plan for the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme
20 9-Jan-24 written procedure To approve the level of daily allowances and the procedure to grant the respective allowances at the level of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme
21 26-Jan-24 written procedure To approve the first revision of the Visual Identity Manual for the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme.
22 19-Feb-24 written procedure To approve the launching and publishing of the Terms of References containing the selection criteria and the recruitment process for 4 available JS positions; to approve the composition of the Selection Committee for selecting JS officers; to approve the possibility of extending the deadline for the submission of applications, in case of not receiving until the deadline a sufficient number of applications in order to allow an adequate selection of experts
23 26-Feb-24 written procedure To approve the updated Rules of Procedure for Monitoring Committee for Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme
24 26-Feb-24 MC meeting To approve the Assessment reports, Quality Assessment, related to the evaluation and selection of applications submitted in the framework of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme – 1st Calls for proposals for Regular and Small scale projects; To mandate the MA to make, during the contracting process, the necessary adjustments for the selected projects in order to raise the level of coherence between the outputs, results and activities; To approve the use of remaining funds for selecting additional projects from the reserve list; To maintain unchanged the list of eligible type of applicants for the second calls for proposals.
25 18-Mar-24 written procedure To approve the Report of the Complaint Committee related to the complaints received following the quality verification of the project proposals submitted in the framework of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme – 1st calls for proposals for Regular and Small Scale projects
26 28-Mar-24 written procedure To approve the Application Pack for regular projects for the second call for proposals and Application Pack for small scale projects for the second call for proposals;
To approve the launch of the second call for proposals for regular projects and of the second call for proposals for small scale projects on the 29th of March 2024 with deadline for submission of the applications 28th of June 2024, 14.00 hours Romanian time.
27 17-Apr-24 written procedure To approve Corrigendum no.1 to the Guidelines - 2nd call - standard and small scale projects (revision of the TAKE NOTE box referring to project reporting periods and how applicants should estimate costs for expenditure verification depending on the number of reports in Part II of the Applicant's Guidelines and revison of Annex V to the Grant contract - Declaration by the Lead Partner)
28 29-Apr-24 written procedure To approve the International Hellenic University/ Department of Forest and Natural Environment Sciences, initially representing Project Partner 4 in the project BSB00174- Invasive Alien Species Observatory and Network Development for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Contextual Ecosystem Services Evaluation in Black Sea Deltaic Protected Areas (IASON+), to be replaced with Democritus University of Thrace-Special Account for Research Funds.
29 31-May-24 written procedure To approve the Odessa State Environmental University, initially representing Project Partner 4 in the project BSB00168- Know What You Breathe: Mobilizing Communities for Air Quality in the Black Sea Basin - AIRQUEST, to be replaced with Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
30 18-Jun-24 written procedure To approve the revised version of the Guidelines for evaluation and selection for the 2nd call for proposals for both Regular and Small Scale projects
31 18-Jun-24 written procedure To approve the replacement of Ukrainian Marine Environment Protection Association, Project Partner 4 in the project BSB00020-Carbon Binding Blue Black Sea (BlueC), with the Institute of Marine Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
32 25-Jun-24 written procedure To approve the revised version of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme
33 25-Jun-24 written procedure To approve the rejection of the award of the grant for the project BSB00319 AquaSwift: Mobilizing Resilience for Rapid Flood Response, selected for financing after the first call for proposals for small scale projects, launched under the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme.
34 28-Jun-24 written procedure To approve the composition of the Assessment Working Group - 2nd call for proposals
35 11-Jul-24 written procedure To approve the replacement of SATEAN Foundation (Romania), Project Partner 6 in the project BSB00172 “Network for the Preservation of Sturgeon and for the Sustainability of the Black Sea Basin Ecosystem” - SturNet, with National Research and Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geoecology – GeoEcoMar (Romania).
36 7-Aug-24 written procedure To approve the replacement of Istanbul Environment Management Industry and Trade Company, Project Partner 2 in the project ‘’BSB00584 - Research, Cleaning Methodologies, Economic Valorization and Pilot Application for Macroalgal Blooms (MACRO CLEAN)’’, with the Marmara Municipalities Union (Türkiye).
37 12-Aug-24 written procedure To approve the TORs for external assessors - Second calls for proposals
38 27-Aug-24 written procedure To approve the Methodology for risk-based management verifications for the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme.
39 20-Sept-24 written procedure To aprove the level of subsistence allowances (daily allowance and accommodation allowance) and the procedure to grant the respective allowances at the level of Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme, replacing Decision no. 20/ 09.01.2024
40 11-Oct-24 written procedure To approve the selection of state aid experts who will check the state aid compliance of the applications submitted under the 2nd calls for proposals for regular and small-scale projects of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme.
41 18-Oct-24 written procedure To approve the Guide for control and the revised Methodology for risk-based management verifications for the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme.
42 23-Oct-24 written procedure To approve the Assessment Reports for Step 1 Administrative compliance and eligibility check with its annexes: Lists of applications recommended for Quality Assessment and Lists of applications which failed the administrative and eligibility compliance check, 2nd Call for proposals for Regular projects;
To approve the Assessment Reports for Step 1 Administrative compliance and eligibility check with its annexes: Lists of applications recommended for Quality Assessment and Lists of applications which failed the administrative and eligibility compliance check, 2nd Call for proposals for Small Scale projects.
43 23-Oct-24 written procedure

To approve the Rules of Procedure for handling the complaints related to the evaluation and selection of applications submitted in the framework of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme – 2nd Calls for proposals for Regular and Small Scale projects, as presented in the Annex to the present Decision.

To approve the composition of the Complaint Committee for handling the complaints, related to the evaluation and selection of applications submitted after each of the two steps of the evaluation (administrative and eligibility compliance check/ quality assessment),

44 7-Nov-24 written procedure To approve the revised version of the Guidelines for Assessment and Selection of project proposals for the 2nd call for proposals for both regular and small scale projects (introduction of provisions regarding verifications of the risk of double funding)
45 9-Dec-24 written procedure To consider as operations of strategic importance: project BSB 26 (Co-Resilience) Cooperation for wildfires community resilience capacity building and early warning in the Black Sea Basin for SO1.1 and project BSB 193 (EfxINNOs) Establishing and Operating an Innovative Marine Technology Transfer Network for Enhancing the Transition to a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Black Sea Basin for SO2.4.
46 12-Dec-24 written procedure To approve the Report of the Complaint Committee related to the complaints received following the administrative and eligibility verification of the project proposals submitted in the framework of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme – 2nd calls for proposals for Regular and Small Scale projects