Institution of Fist Resources, lead beneficiary of the project “Promoting Technology Innovation in Environmental Monitoring and Modelling for Assessment of Fish Stock and Non-fish Resources – TIMMOD” is organizing on 11 September 2020 in Varna (Bulgaria) the project launch dissemination event. The main goals, activities and expected results of the TIMMOD project will be presented, as well as information on the current state of fish and non-fish resources in the Black Sea. А discussion on the application of modern technologies for monitoring and evaluation of Black Sea resources will take place.
The project TIMMOD is implemented in partnership with Black Sea – Danube Association for Research and Development from Bulgaria, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Special Account of Research Funds from Greece, LEPL National Environmental Agency from Georgia, Regional Environmental Centre Moldova from the Republic of Moldova and Danube Delta National Institute from Romania. The project unites the efforts of partners in a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach, sharing the common understanding that Technological Upgrade is the key to “improve joint environmental monitoring”.