The project Developing Ecotourism Net in Black Sea region ECOTOUR-NET (BSB79) is proposing to develop eco-tourism activities in 5 regions from Turkey, Ukraine, Greece, Georgia and Bulgaria introducing 18 routes (10 cycling, 6 hiking, 2 educational tour routes) and 48 locations (4 bird watching and 32 recreational location, 10 photobank and 2 local products selling locations).
In Turkey, the target region is Şile, a district of Istanbul with 34.241 inhabitants. Its population is mostly rural, with 65% of the population living in 57 villages. With the sea and historical values, Sile District Governorship explored the district potential for tourism, seeking to improve the visitor experience through establishment of ecotourism infrastructure which shall lead to higher visitor satisfaction, benefit the local community and conservation of nature values/resources.
The tracks, routes and locations introduced in the eco-tourism circuit by the Lead Beneficiary of the project, Şile District Governorship, are:
1. Cycling track: Tekeköy route – asphalt track (45 km) with 21 direction signboards and 2 information & map signboards
2. Cycling track: Saklıgöl – Soil track (7,7 km) with 7 direction signboards and 2 information & map signboards
3. Hiking track; Sarıkavak – (6 km) with 9 signs and 2 information & map signboards
4. Hiking track; Yeniköy (4,18 km) with 18 signs 2 information & map signboards
5. 6 Recreational Locations: Çamaltı, Sülüklü Göl, Kocakuş, Kaletepe, Meşekır gazinosu and Kabakoz with 6 rows of table and chairs, 6 information & map signboards
6. Bird Watch: Küpelitaş District with 1 bird watch tower and 1 information & map signboards
7. Bird Watch: Yenikoy / Kaletepe with 1 bird watching tower and 1 information & map signboards
8. 10 Photobank locations: Harmankaya Fener, Harmankaya, Maşatlık – Ladies Bath, Port, Sahilkoy -Tahlisiye, Sahilkoy-2, Kilimli, Kabakoz, Akçakese, Imrenli with 10 coloured photo banks, 10 information & map signboards
9. 2 Sales Points: Teke and İmrendere villages with 10 stands (5 stands each) and 2 information & map signboards
The cyclers, hikers, birdwatchers and nature enthusiast are invited to explore the wildlife, historical locations, the cliffs and the shores of Şile District.