Territorial Administrative Unit Galati County (Romania), Lead beneficiary of “Development and Promotion of Active Tourism in the Black Sea Basin – EscapeLand” hosted the start-up conference of the project. In front of media representatives and with the online presence of all the project partners, the lead beneficiary introduced the objectives, the main outputs and the benefits, territorial challenges and cooperation reasons.
The solution proposed by the project refers to the capitalisation of the active tourism potential and expertize of the partner regions as a means of promoting business and entrepreneurship in the tourism and cultural sectors and creating stronger economic opportunities in the Black Sea Basin.
One by one, the project partners: Vilkovo City Council (Ukraine), Cantemir District Council (Republic of Moldova), Self-Government City of Kutaisi (Georgia) and Constanta County Council (Romania) presented the tourism opportunities in their regions and the support added through project implementation.
The main outcomes of the project are:
- Construction of recreation area Adventure Park, Garboavele forest/Romania. The investment consists of 8,4 ha of forest placed outside the built-up area of Tuluceşti Village, near the Village Musem. The park will have 15 adventure routes, with different difficulty levels: 4 purple, 3 yellow, 3 green, 2 blue, 2 red and 1 black and two zip-lines of 150 and 180 m.
- Sport and Tourism Base in Cantemir/Republic of Moldova. The investment will provide 32 accommodation spaces, a fitness facility area, a workout hall, setting up a free fighting hall, infrastructure (toilets, changing rooms, etc.) and food unit. The Sports and Tourism Base will be equipped with sports equipment (kayaks, tents, protective equipment, backpacks etc.).
- Recreation Base, Vylcovo/Ukraine. There will be arranged a recreation lake in the town of Vylcovo with pavement landscaping (paving, cleaning and preparation works, pavement installation), 30 benches, 10 boats, 20 turrets (pavilion), 1 lifeguard (security-rescue post), 40 floodlight poles (lightning poles), 12 pontoons, 1 pass pontoon.
The project team declared that they are ready to go along together to reach the project goal.