The following authorities, structures and bodies are part of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme management and control system:

Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS)

Assists the MA, JMC, AA and the SC in carrying out their respective duties.

The participating countries have appointed the South East Regional Development Agency (SERDA), Romania, to fulfil the role of Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS).

The main tasks are the following:

In regard to programme management:

  • Act as secretariat of the JMC, i.e. organise the meetings, draft the minutes, prepare, implement and follow up decisions;
  • Contribute to the elaboration of annual implementation reports and the final report;
  • Support the MA in the implementation of the annual communication plan;
  • Support the MA in the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation plan;
  • Inform potential beneficiaries about funding opportunities under programme and shall assist beneficiaries in the project implementation.

In regard to the call for proposals:

  • Support the MA in the preparation of the application pack and relevant templates;
  • Support the MA in the preparation of grant contract template and annexes;
  • Carry out information and publicity activities to support project generation (update the web-site, provide a help-desk, organise workshops and seminars for partners search, awareness raising and capacity building for potential beneficiaries, etc.);
  • Support the MA in launching the calls for project proposals as needed;

In regard to the selection and management of projects:

  • Prepare documentation for SC and JMC meetings;
  • Carry out administrative and eligibility checks of project applications, a quality check of the work carried out by the external assessors during technical and financial evaluations, prepare requests for clarification and draft reports for all the evaluation steps;
  • Support the MA in the signing of grant contracts (e.g. review the project proposal and project budget with the lead beneficiary, contribute to the preparation of grant contracts, etc.)
  • Monitor progress, including financial progress, made by funded projects by checking financial and technical reports and requests for payments, visiting project events, carrying out on-the-spot checks and supporting the MA in Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM); provide day-to-day assistance to project beneficiaries;
  • Assist the MA in the financial management of the projects, including on the spot-checks and in updating the risk analysis;

Contact details: 

South-East Regional Development Agency

Address: Bd. Tomis 48, Constanta 900742, Romania

Contact person: Sevil Shhaideh, Head of JTS

Phone:           +40 341 452 836

E-mail:           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Declaration of interests of JTS team prepared according to the Framework Agreement concluded between Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, acting as Managing Authority, and South-East Regional Development Agency, acting as Joint Technical Secretariat

Year 2017

Year 2018

Year 2019

Year 2020

Year 2021

Year 2022

Year 2023

Year 2024