November 7 and 8, 2022
On the European Year of Youth (2022), we want to put young people's projects in the spotlight.
In this context, Interact Programme in collaboration with the programmes INTERREG Balkan Mediterranean , IPA CBC Greece – Republic of North Macedonia , INTERREG Greece-Bulgaria and ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme are co-organising a “Youth Road Show”.
The main objective is to promote:
- The visibility of Interreg results focused on young people.
- The exchange with project promoters and beneficiaries of the area of their challenges and needs.
- Lay the foundations for future synergies and collaborations between Interreg Programmes, so as between Interreg and other EU funds that will bring additional benefits to the region.
During 7 and 8 of November 2022, approximately 30 participants, representatives of local and regional authorities, members of the European Parliament and the European Commission, Interreg, ESF and Managing Authorities of other programmes such as ERASMUS+, youth projects of the area, as well as the local/national press, will visit Interreg projects and can see first-hand their impact on the area of Thessaloniki and Serres.
The agenda of the event is available HERE.